Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ready Player One

As I read Ernest Clive's nostalgic first novel Ready Player One, I found myself getting increasingly wrapped up in late 70s and early 80s pop/nerd culture. I relived the dungeon crawling adventures of my youth when I read through a tattered, well used copy of The Tomb of Horrors, a classic, fiendishly difficult AD&D module from 1978. I rocked out to a popping and hissing vinyl copy of Rush's prog rock masterpiece, 2112. I got myself a genuine, working Atari 2600 and have been running through jungles, blasting apart asteroids, and chomping pesky blue ghosts whenever the opportunity arises.

In the time since I've started this throwback binge, I've discovered that I've accrued quite a vinyl and video game collection. It's actually pretty easy to do. Many records and 2600 games can be found for about $5 bucks. Reasonably priced, high-quality or rare selections can run up to $30. The easiest and quickest way to boost your collection; however, doesn't require any money--simply find someone who is sick of having a pile of "junk" in their attic. They'll be more than happy to part with whatever you may want.

This blog is motivation for me to comment and refect on all the vinyl, games, and other oscassional items that have made their way into my collection. I already have a pile records that have just been sitting in the house for six months unlistened to. These items need a chance, even if that chance may only be a 140 character tweet. Maybe this blog will help prevent a few hidden gems from getting dusty and forgotten in a dark attic near you.

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